Comments on: Chicken pasta bake Fast Prep, Big Flavours Sun, 10 Mar 2024 16:17:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Sun, 10 Mar 2024 16:17:53 +0000 In reply to Ron, Brisbane.

First time I’ve ever commented on one of these. Made this three times now and it’s become a firm fave with the family. Thankyou for sharing it.

By: Marie Wed, 10 Jan 2024 23:27:46 +0000 5 stars
Had this tonight! Had to come on here and write about how good it was!! New favorite. Thank you!!

By: Dianne Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:51:34 +0000 In reply to Ellie.

Hi I add a little sugar to sweeten as I find it can be bitter too.

By: Ron, Brisbane Wed, 01 Nov 2023 10:01:09 +0000 5 stars
This has really become my go-to pasta bake basic recipe.
Made it again tonight – so good!
Partner had THIRDS! (Which never happens!)
What I like so much about it is that we usually have everything required in the fridge or pantry – AND it’s so forgiving in terms of quantities if you’re a bit under or a bit over – AND it’ll happily absorb leftovers or other bits and pieces that need using up…
Tonight was leftover chicken from a roast the other night – just cubed and added with the cooked bacon. Wasn’t quite as much as the recipe called for – so upped the bacon rasher quotient a little. Added a diced zucchini that needed to be used when adding the passata. Also more baby spinach than specified to use up what we had – and plonked in a bunch of cherry tomatoes that likewise were almost at the end of their fridge life (we didn’t have any full size tomatoes to hand!)
Only complaint is that I thought there’d be a bunch of leftovers for lunch tomorrow –
There are not 🙁
