Comments on: Beef empanadas Fast Prep, Big Flavours Tue, 27 Feb 2024 21:28:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marina Morris Tue, 27 Feb 2024 21:28:36 +0000 In reply to Jane.

Jane, I did not bake directly from frozen but defrosted mine in the fridge overnight, covered loosely with plastic film. Baked for 20 minutes at 425F in the morning, they turned out great.

By: Marina Morris Tue, 27 Feb 2024 21:26:26 +0000 5 stars
What a great recipe! I followed the recipe pretty closely, skipped chorizo and hard-boiled egg ’cause I don’t like them. The empanadas were a huge hit at the Superbowl party. I made a big batch and froze half, last night defrosted the frozen ones in the fridge overnight (laid out on a cutting board) and baked in the morning, they were delicious after freezing and baked great. The empanada sauce from Nagi’s recipe is wonderful too.

By: Christie L Thurmond Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:26:13 +0000 5 stars
I’ve recently become a repeat fan of your recipes. They always come out wonderful. I made the dough, but I decided to deep fry them in my fryer, and OMG! It’s absolutely perfect! My bf has been asking me to make empanadas for awhile, and though I’ve cooked a wide range of good meals for many years, this was my first time trying. He loved it, and so did I. You really know your stuff!

By: Jane Tue, 16 Jan 2024 04:42:33 +0000 In reply to Jane.

also if anyone has advice on cook times from frozen, I’d appreciate it. I will test but assume I’d need to do same temp and add some time.
